Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I'm Baa-aack! (Finally!)

So I am well and truly back. It was the trip of a lifetime and an overwhelming positive experience.

I gave myself all of Sunday and Monday to recover, then jumped in with both feet. First up, getting started on Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh.

I had planned to do NaNo this month, thinking that with starting a new book and desperately needing to pound out a first daft, the timing would be perfect.

Sadly, it is not. I still have too much world building to do, especially since this book takes place in Egypt. I had thought I could just start NaNo late, but the pressure of it is weighing on me so much that I find I am rushing to spit out words before they’re truly ready.

Trying to do a fast first draft when the story hasn’t gelled yet is akin to trying to build a wall with un-cured bricks—the end result will need to be torn down and require massive amounts of rebuilding.

Not sure if this is a sign that my entire process is changing or if it is just the way this particular book needs to be brought into the world. Either way, I need a more thoughtful, measured, slow-but-steady draft this time around.

I am not despairing. The story IS coming. When I sat down to begin journaling some ideas on where to start the story and what the first scene might look like, lo and behold, out popped a first scene! Thank you, dear Girls in the Basement. Have I mentioned lately how much I adore you?

I also returned home to the Spring 2010 Houghton Mifflin catalog with both Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus and Nathaniel Fludd: The Basilisk’s Lair nestled in its pages. And as if that weren’t enough riches, there was also a pile of Eyes of Horus ARCs waiting for me! How cool is that? I have no idea what to do with them ::drumming fingers and looking up at the ceiling:: but I’m sure I’ll think of something. ☺

My top focus/priority for the next four months is this fourth Theo book. In an effort to stay on task, I’m going to be adjusting my online routine a bit, as in I probably won’t get online until I get a decent amount of work done each day. So look for me by moonlight…no, no. That’s The Highwayman. What I meant to say was, look for me sometime after noon…


Miss Eliza said...

Wow! It's going to be a great spring with those two books. Can't wait.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Exciting times ahead, Robin! Congratulations and have fun with the new Theodosia. I LOVE Egyptian mythology. That's going to be a fun one to read :)

dixie said...

Welcome back! I'm sure everyone in Texas loved you. But not more than we do.