Monday, November 01, 2010

Where Was I?

I’m sorry to drop my big news then disappear for a week. How dare Real Life intrude on my blogging time!

However most of the loose ends and odd details of my life have been beaten back into submission, and I am getting ready to enter the writing cave. Or more accurately, the revision cave. I should have lots of whining insight to share as I get the massive shears out and make ready to cut this puppy down to a more manageable size.

Even better, I face the joy of a clear, pristine, empty calendar—four whole weeks worth.  The thrill of that can scare be described.

I plan to guard it with my life*

One of the absolute joys of this newest sale (and there are many) is that due to the Spring 2012 pub date, I have the luxury of time. Instead of putting my ideas, inspiration, and creative process on a forced march, I can allow them to meander--just a bit. And as we all know, meandering is great for the creative process. 

When it is time to tackle books two and three, the schedule will pick up somewhat, because I do not have those books written yet. I do, however, have good solid knowledge of their basic plots and the main characters’ motivations, as well as the fact that I will have established many of the ground rules and political framework in the first book. Even so there will definitely be plenty of opportunity for forced marches later. ☺

Which is why I won’t be doing NaNo this year. I already know I can meet a deadline and have to often enough that I’m going to give myself the gift of this unrushed revision.

Also, I’ve learned that pounding out a fast, furious draft doesn’t work for me anymore. It did once upon a time, but no longer. The truth is, my process has shifted somewhat. It’s not a good thing or a bad thing, it just is. But it’s important for me that I accept it.

For all of you who are doing NaNo, I wish you great gobs of luck! However, if you find you hate it or your writing is dreck or it makes you hate writing or any hundred different negatives, then give yourself permission to back off and make the writing time your own.

(On a side note, blogging over at Shrinking Violets about building effective online persona's has made me very aware of my own blogging habits. I'm never sure if it's better to post a quick check in,  or save up for a meatier, more dazzling blog entry. Clearly I settled on the quick check in. This time.)

*About five minutes after typing that I got an email requesting my presence at a local book fair. So other than that, I'm keeping my schedule clear. 


Sherrie Petersen said...

Haha! I'm glad your schedule was clear for the book fair :)