Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Apologies All Around

Okay, I admit it. I have to be one of the people nominated for the World’s Worst Blogger list. My intentions are good, but we all know how much good intentions are worth.

Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m now juggling three blogs, but that’s my problem, not yours, so apologies for being such a lapsed blogger are definitely in order.

The good news is, that one of the major distractions keeping me busy is now over; the college application process. Both of my sons decided to go away to college at the same time, one as a freshman and the other transferring as a junior. Heavens to Murgatroyd! (or is it Murgatroid? Anyone know?) That college application dance is a part time job, I’m telling you. So all you parents out there, brace yourself! Your turn is coming, if it hasn’t already.

But that’s all done with now (both boys are going to their first choice college—yay!) and my schedule has freed up quite a lot. Which is a really good thing because I have a book due soon. Not only that, but I now have two college tuitions looming over my future. Must. Write. Faster.

My goal is to have my first draft done by May 12. I’m getting close, very close, so I’ve upped my words per day to 1750 up through next Saturday. I want to finish it and put it away for a couple of weeks for some fermenting and stewing time. Then, when I look at it with fresh eyes, all the flaws will be glaringly obvious and that much easier to fix.

When I did NaNoWriMo last year I discovered how valuable a full immersion writing stint was, so I’m really trying to replicate that more when I work on my first drafts.

For anyone who’s interested, I was recently interviewed over on Dee and Dee Dish…about Books. I’m sorry I didn’t think to mention in time for you to participate in the contest. My bad!

I will be better about blogging. I promise. And come September? When both boys move out? I won’t know what to do with myself, so I’ll likely be blabbin’ at you nonstop. Betcha can’t wait for that!